Mr Lovemore Chipindu
Data Analyst
Mr Lovemore Chipindu is a renowned Data Analyst who is a holder of an MSc Data Science and AI (IUBH University of Applied Sciences, Germany) and BSc in Applied Statistics (MSU, Zimbabwe). His areas of expertise include inter alia; financial analysis & modeling, data analysis, machine learning, business intelligence, financial engineering, monitoring & evaluation (M&E), data management & collection, and household surveys. He has to date provided consultancy services to Mupazano Advisory Services, Oxfam Zimbabwe, Swedish Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC), Lower Centenary Producers Trust (LCPT), Integrated Maize & Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). He boast of experience in ODK, KOBO Collect, Survey CTO, Microsoft Office Package, R, Python, MySQL, Julia, Tableu, SPSS and STATA.